Cards Service

The Virgil Cards Service is the core service of the Virgil infrastructure and it's responsible for the Virgil Card entries management.

The main purpose of the Virgil Card entry is to store a user's Public Key with an optional identity which is issued on the application developer's side.

Card structure

Each Virgil Card consists of 2 main parameters: content_snapshot and signatures:

  1. Content Snapshot. This is a base64-encoded JSON content snapshot message that contains information about the Card's owner.
  2. Signatures. This parameter contains information about the card's signatures inside, their types, names etc.

Here is an example of a card that is signed with a user private key ("signer": "self") and with your application private key ("signer": "app"):

    "signatures": [
            "signer": "self",
            "snapshot": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="
            "signer": "app",
            "snapshot": "MIGagUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCARsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuUABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimw==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="

1. Content snapshot

A content_snapshot parameter contains all data related to the Virgil Card and is wrapped into base64-encoded JSON message.

Here is an example of content snapshot message:

    "public_key": "MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAX9uVxRpJwCIFRqF8ruZGeLHB4d8j/3WxODaaT5Qpxr8",
    "identity": "[email protected]",
    "previous_card_id": "3084dab511135ec24c2fdc5cecbdcdcbb5db52bca8f7bf6b0b83a7fa4c740a59",
    "version": "5.0",
    "created_at": 1505795635

Each message can hold an additional parameter previous_card_id that is used when a newly created user card is supposed to override a previous one.

The parameters inside of the content snapshot are:

Parameter nameTypeMand.ConstraintsComment
public_keystring-16-4096 bytesa base64-encoded public key value (public key of a Card owner)
identitystring+1-1024 bytesUnique user identifier given by you. Can be any value - email, name, some ID and etc.
previous_card_idstring-64 bytesID of the previous card for this identity that is overridden.
versionstring+"5.0"parameter have to be exactly "5.0"
created_atuint64+>0UNIX UTC timestamp

Parameters constraints

public_keyIs mandatory to create Virgil Card and must be empty to delete cards chain identified by it's last card ID as previous_card_id value.
identityThe value must be the same as one passed in JWT-token. Get more information about authentication and JWT here
previous_card_idVirgil Card with id of previous_card_id mush have the same identity as one from the creation request. In case a Card doesn't have previous_card_id the parameter can be omitted during Card creation.
previous_card_idThe parameter must be unique, so there are no two cards which share that value.

The content_snapshot will persist along with the Card and is not changeable during the Virgil Card lifetime.

2. Signatures

A signatures parameter contains information about parties (card owner, application server, and etc.) who signed a Card. Information about each party consists of 3 main parameters: signer, snapshot and signature. signatures parameter is mandatory and must always contain Card owner signature (with type value "self").

Parameter nameTypeMand.ConstraintsComment
snapshotstring-1-1024 bytesThis is extra content snapshot (information about extra content snapshot is below). base64-encoded arbitrary data to be stored on behalf of the signer. Here, any information that the developer needs can be stored.
signerstring+1-1024 bytesThis field must be: "self" for a self-signature (for a card owner); "virgil" for signature of Virgil Cards Service; and can be any value for a Application Server (you can use for example, "my_server", "app" etc.)
signaturestring+-base64-encoded digital signature of concatenation of content_snapshot and extra content snapshot (the calculation formula of signature is below)

2.1. Signature calculation


2.2. Extra content snapshot (optional)

Each Virgil Card can have extra content snapshot, that contains all data related to additional signature (for example, when need to sign card with private key of an application server) and is wrapped into base64-encoded string.

Thus, when it's necessary to find content_snaphot, extra_content_snaphot or Card_ID, use the following formula:

CONTENT_SNAPSHOT       = BASE64_DECODE(content_snaphot)
EXTRA_CONTENT_SNAPSHOT = BASE64_DECODE( extra_content_snaphot )

Card id

Each user's Card has its own CARD_ID that is unique and is calculated based on Card content_snaphot value and is calculated as a hexadecimal representation of the first 32bytes of the SHA512 hash of the content_snapshot. The CARD_ID can be used by the Card owner and the application service to make sure the Card data was not changed by any 3rd-party.


Is used only first 256 bits.

Here is an example of a Card ID representation:


Authorization header

There is only one HTTP header that is mandatory for API calls:

Authorization: Virgil {JWT token}


Create card

The endpoint creates a Virgil Card record.

The Virgil Card creation action requires an authorization header from the Virgil Card owner which is performed via the additional signatures parameter. It must be an associative array with all necessary information about card signers.

Request info

HTTP Request method    POST
Request URL  

Request body

    "signatures": [
            "signer": "self",
            "snapshot": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="
            "signer": "app",
            "snapshot": "MIGagUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCARsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuUABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimw==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="

Response body

    "signatures": [
            "signer": "self",
            "snapshot": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="
            "signer": "app",
            "snapshot": "MIGagUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCARsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuUABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimw==",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="
            "signer": "virgil",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQB+vzsWTR4+S3r5BLIwtC+SLvUmFTofxikNYKSzYfgQY1CZxC4oObkDYTIWW1LY/fIXd5wW6vf+c+iSffSSxsQ0="

Click here to see the request or response parameters

Using Cards service endpoints you will be given the following request and response parameters:

Parameter nameComment
content_snapshotparameter is a base64-encoded content snapshot message
signaturesparameter is mandatory and must always contain Card owner signature (with type "self")

Signature entry parameters description:

Parameter nameTypeMand.ConstraintsComment
snapshotstring-1-1024 bytesbase64-encoded arbitrary data to be stored on behalf of the signer
signerstring+1-1024 bytesThis field must be: "self" for a self-signature (for a card owner); "virgil" for signature of Virgil Cards Service; and can be any value for a Application Server (you can use for example, "my_server", "app" etc.)
signaturestring+-base64-encoded digital signature of concatenation of Content Snapshot and Extra Content Snapshot

After the Virgil Card endpoint invocation is created, the signature list is filled with an additional signature (signer: "virgil") - the signature of the Virgil Cards Service. See an example in the response body of this endpoint.

To verify this signature it's necessary to retrieve the Public Key of the Virgil Cards Service from the Virgil Dashboard.

GET card

Returns the information about the Virgil Card by the its ID.

This endpoint returns HTTP 200 with additional HTTP header "X-Virgil-Is-Superseeded" with value "true" in case if there is a Virgil Card with previous card ID that matches this Virgil Card ID.

Request info

HTTP Request method    GET
Request URL  {card-id}

Response body

    "signatures": [
            "signer": "self",
            "snapshot": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU==",
            "signature": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXfzbdtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7A=="
            "signer": "app",
            "snapshot": "MIGagUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCARsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuUABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimw==",
            "signature": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkBg9WJPxgq1ObqxPpXdomNIDxlOvyGdI9wrgZYXu+YAibJd+8Vf0uFce9QrB7yiG2U2zTNVqwsg4f7bd1SKVleAkEAplvCmFJ6v3sYQVBXerr8Yb25UllbTDuCw5alWSfBw2j3ueFiXTiyY885y0detX08YFEWYgbAoKtJgModQTEcQ=="
            "signer": "virgil",
            "signature": "MIGaBf7bd1SKVleAkEAplvCmFJ6v3sYQVBXerr8Yb25UllbTDuCw5alWSfBw2j3ueFiXTiyY88bAoKtJMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUAgModQTEc9WJPxgq1Obqx5y0dIGIMIGFAkB4etX08YFEWYgPpXdomNIDxlOvyGdI9QgwrgZYXu+YAibJd+8Vf0uFce9QrB7yiG2U2zTNVqwsg=="

Click to see the request or response parameters

Using Cards service endpoints you receive the following request and response parameters:

Parameter nameComment
content_snapshotparameter is a base64-encoded content snapshot message
signaturesparameter is mandatory and must always contain Card owner sign (with type "self")

Signature entry parameters description:

Parameter nameTypeMand.ConstraintsComment
snapshotstring-1-1024 bytesbase64-encoded arbitrary data to be stored on behalf of the signer
signerstring+1-1024 bytesThis field must be: "self" for a self-signature (for a card owner); "virgil" for signature of Virgil Cards Service; and can be any value for a Application Server (you can use for example, "my_server", "app" etc.)
signaturestring+-base64-encoded digital signature of concatenation of Content Snapshot and Extra Content Snapshot

Search cards

Allows to search for the Cards of a single user or multiple users by theirs identity

Request info

HTTP Request method    POST
Request URL  

Search for a single user's Cards: Request body

    "identity": "[email protected]"

Search for multiple users' Cards:

    "identities": [
                  "[email protected]",
                  "[email protected]",
                  "[email protected]"

Response body

        "signatures": [
                "signer": "self",
                "snapshot": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU==",
                "signature": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bRsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXfzbdtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuU7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPABmhMSqimwoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7A=="
                "signer": "app",
                "snapshot": "MIGagUABIGIMIGFAkAUkHTx9vEXcUAq9O5bMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCARsfJ0K5s8Bwm55gEXK65czWphRwyuwN++hI6dlHOdPoRsLN8xsivhPqQdLow5rDFic7AtAfr6ihJOXA9MAdXOEocqKtH6DuUABmhfzbd7zJAdWgqfTrweih7jAkEAgN7CeUXwZwS0lRslWulaIGvpMSqimw==",
                "signature": "MIGaMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUABIGIMIGFAkBg9WJPxgq1ObqxPpXdomNIDxlOvyGdI9wrgZYXu+YAibJd+8Vf0uFce9QrB7yiG2U2zTNVqwsg4f7bd1SKVleAkEAplvCmFJ6v3sYQVBXerr8Yb25UllbTDuCw5alWSfBw2j3ueFiXTiyY885y0detX08YFEWYgbAoKtJgModQTEcQ=="
                "signer": "virgil",
                "signature": "MIGaBf7bd1SKVleAkEAplvCmFJ6v3sYQVBXerr8Yb25UllbTDuCw5alWSfBw2j3ueFiXTiyY88bAoKtJMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAgUAgModQTEc9WJPxgq1Obqx5y0dIGIMIGFAkB4etX08YFEWYgPpXdomNIDxlOvyGdI9QgwrgZYXu+YAibJd+8Vf0uFce9QrB7yiG2U2zTNVqwsg=="

Click to see the request or response parameters

Using Cards service endpoints you receive the following request and response parameters:

Parameter nameComment
content_snapshotparameter is a base64-encoded content snapshot message
signaturesparameter is mandatory and must always contain Card owner signature (with type "self")

Signature entry parameters description:

Parameter nameTypeMand.ConstraintsComment
snapshotstring-1-1024 bytesbase64-encoded arbitrary data to be stored on behalf of the signer
signerstring+1-1024 bytesThis field must be: "self" for a self-signature (for a card owner); "virgil" for signature of Virgil Cards Service; and can be any value for a Application Server (you can use for example, "my_server", "app" etc.)
signaturestring+-base64-encoded digital signature of concatenation of Content Snapshot and Extra Content Snapshot

Revoke card

Revokes a card by updating (replacing) an active Virgil Card with a new card that has an empty public key. Any revoked cards can still be retrieved by calling to GET /card/{card-id} but they will not be returned as Search cards by identity(ies) results (POST /card/actions/search).


  • The Virgil Card that is being revoked should have the same Identity which was used to generate the original JWT token.
  • revoke card might have an empty or absent signatures list.

Request info

HTTP Request method    POST
Request URL  

Request body

Identical to CREATE Card request (POST /card) with a few differences:

  • Previous card ID value will not be empty
  • Public key field will be empty
  • signatures parameter is optional, and any signatures in the parameter will not be verified

Response body

    "signatures": [
            "signer": "virgil",
            "signature": "MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQFfu/yqv6S4kuATkp9VsD8Ug4YddktLU9YQy/qMeUnwiFh+lGAUNGpHXxjTO/Pw8BSUncLhIkm7Z4WSQneGmwQU="

Revoke card using its id

Revokes an active Virgil Card using its ID only. A revoke card with an empty public key is then automatically generated.

Request info

HTTP Request method    POST
Request URL  {card-id}

Request body Request body should be empty.

Response body This endpoint returns HTTP 200 if successful or a corresponding error if it wasn't successful.


HTTP error codes

Application uses standard HTTP response codes:

Error codeDescription
400Request error
401Authentication error
404Entity not found
405Method not allowed
500Server error

Additional information about the error is returned as a JSON object that has the following format:

    "code": "{error-code}",
    "message": "{error-message}"

Public key of the service

The Public Key of the Cards Service can be found on application page at Virgil Dashboard.