Virgil Account

This guide shows how to manage your Virgil Account using Virgil CLI.

Register new account

This command is used to create a new account using your existing e-mail:

virgil register <email>

Example: Alice registers her account at Virgil:

> virgil register [email protected]
Enter your password:
> ********
Confirm your password:
> ********
We've sent you an email with a verification code to your email address. Check your inbox for an email from Virgil Security and copy the verification code.
Verification Code:
> ********
Your account was successfully registered and activated. Go ahead and log in to your account with your credentials.

Login to account

This command is used to open a session for the account:

virgil login

Example: Alice logs into her account:

> virgil login
Enter your email addres:
> [email protected]
Enter your password:
> ********
Success! Logged in as [email protected].

Logout from account

This command is used to close the current session for the account:

virgil logout

Example: Alice logs out from her account:

> virgil logout
Logged out.