App Tokens

This guide shows how to manage your Virgil App Tokens using Virgil CLI.

Create new app token

This command is used to create a new App Token for a specific application:

virgil app token create --app-id <App ID> --name <Name>

Example: After creating a new application, Alice creates an App Token for it:

> virgil app token create 429958e13...d64f5efc43 MyAppToken
Token: AT.beJL0wHVRK...cNw9K4l9kr
New App Token successfully created.

Delete app token

This command is used to delete an App Token for a specific application:

virgil app token delete --app-id <App ID> --name <Name>

Example: Alice deletes the App Token she created before:

> virgil app token delete 429958e13...d64f5efc43 MyAppToken
App Token successfully deleted.

Get list of app tokens

This command is used to print a list of all App Tokens for an application:

virgil app token list --app-id <App ID>

Example: Alice gets the list of the App Tokens she created:

> virgil app token list 429958e13...d64f5efc43
|                                            Name  |         Created On
|                                       MyAppToken |  2019-09-05 08:55:34.695 +0000 UTC