Virgil Applications

This guide shows how to manage your Virgil Applications using Virgil CLI.

Create new application

This command is used to create new application with a specified name:

virgil app create <App Name>
You have to verify your email to be able to create more than one application.

Example #1. After logging in her account, Alice creates her new application at Virgil Cloud:

> virgil app create MyApplicaiton
APP_ID: 429958e13...d64f5efc43
Application has been successfully created.

Example #2. Alice creates an application without specifying its name in the command:

> virgil app create
Enter application name:
> MyApplication
APP_ID: 429958e13...d64f5efc43
Application has been successfully created.

Delete application

This command is used to delete an application using its App ID:

virgil app delete <App ID>

Alice deletes the application she created before:

> virgil app delete 429958e13...d64f5efc43
Are you sure, that you want to delete application MyApplicaiton (y/n) ?:
> y
Application has been successfully deleted.

Get list of applications

This command is used to print a list of all user applications:

virgil app list

Alice gets the list of the applications she created:

> virgil app list
|      Application name   |                          APP_ID   |         created_at
|            MyApplication|             429958e13...d64f5efc43| 2019-06-13 13:00:53.703 +0000 UTC
|          CoolApplication|             c7eec3b96...8bf47bcc7f| 2019-06-13 14:50:22.117 +0000 UTC
|                   NewApp|             e11ed7516...507a3d803b| 2019-06-13 14:56:05.398 +0000 UTC

Update application

This command is used to update the name of a specified application:

virgil app update <App ID>

Alice changes the name of one of her applications:

> virgil app update 429958e13...d64f5efc43
Enter application name:
> AwesomeApp
Application has been successfully updated.

Set up default application

This command allows you to specify the application that will be used by default. In this way, you'll be able you to use CLI commands without specifying App ID where it's needed.

virgil use <App Name>

Alice works with the same application all the time and doesn't want to copy and paste its App ID each time when she manages her app:

> virgil use MyApplication
Application context set successfully.
All future commands without specifying App ID will be applied to current app