
This guide shows how to manage your Virgil PureKit credentials using Virgil CLI.

Virgil CLI allows you to execute only the offline commands related to Pure. Use Pure CLI for online commands.

Generate all PureKit keys

This command is used to generate all Pure key pairs for an application:

$ virgil purekit keygen all

Example: Alice has created her application and wants to initialize PureKit in it. Therefore, she generates all the required keys with the CLI:

> virgil purekit keygen all

Backup keypair - is used to decrypt any data in case of some failure
Backup Public key: BU.MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAm...fKqPmuPMtzPW4=
Backup Private key (must be placed in some cold storage (HSM or safe)): MDACAQAwBwYDK2VwB...+m7yJnxNhlM58XvbzOjrY=

All Keys successfully generated.

Generate a Secret key

This command is used to generate a new Secret key for an application:

virgil purekit keygen secret

New secret key:
App Secret Key successfully created.

Generate an Auth key

This command is used to generate a new Auth key for an application:

$ virgil purekit keygen auth

Example: Alice generates an Auth key for her Pure application:

> virgil purekit keygen auth
Auth Key successfully created.

Generate a Backup key pair

This command is used to generate a Backup key pair for an application:

$ virgil purekit keygen backup

Example: Alice generates a Backup key pair separately:

> virgil purekit keygen backup

Backup keypair - is used to decrypt any data in case of some failure
Backup Public key: BU.MCowBQYDK2VwAyEANp/pRgiQD2B...ACPan15kaE8syy/ZJ8GvEZO025BHg=
Backup Private key (Must be placed in some cold storage (HSM or safe)): MDACAQAwBwYDK2Vw...FWwFvi2Ylz6y5tciZxSE=
Backup keypair successfully generated.

Generate a Virgil Storage key pair

This command is used to generate a Virgil Storage key pair for an application:

$ virgil purekit keygen signing

Example: Alice generates a Virgil Storage key pair for her Pure application:

> virgil purekit keygen signing

Storage Keypair successfully generated.

Generate Own Signing Key

This command is used to generate Own Signing key for an application:

$ virgil purekit keygen own

Example: Alice generates an Own Signing key for her Pure application:

> virgil purekit keygen own

Own Signing Keypair successfully generated.

Generate Non-Rotatable Master Secret key

This command is used to generate a new Non-Rotatable Master Secret key:

$ virgil purekit keygen nonrotable-master

Example: Alice generates a Non-Rotatable Master Secret key separately:

> virgil purekit keygen nonrotable-master

Non-Rotatable secret Key succcessfully generated.

Update keys

This command is used to update the Secret key and Service Public key of a Pure application if your database has been compromised or you need to carry out regular rotation of keys and records:

virgil purekit update-keys <Service Public Key> <Secret Key> <Update Token>

You can get your Update Token at Virgil Dashboard by clicking "BEGIN ROTATION PROCESS" button at your application page.


Alice needs to update her PureKit application keys. Firstly, she navigates to Virgil Dashboard and clicks the "BEGIN ROTATION PROCESS" button. As a result, she gets an Update Token. Secondly, she uses the update-keys command to get her new Secret key and Service Public key:

> virgil purekit update-keys PK.1.BFGA3bGvIT...ZBPI4eaISBXi+sA= SK.1.aob9fNEq6...UqCD/wUPvOzfE= UT.2.CiD6g/LR.../3qy7qFPh4XEp0Q=

New service public key:
New app secret key:
Secret Key and Service Public Key successfully updated.